
I'm really learning to live in the moment. I've been a work in progress ever since Petey's diagnosis with DCM. Yesterday was 5 years since his death.  I really don't have any regrets during the last 5 years. I've had a wonderful life filled with so much love and fun. My only regret is that when I found my tumor, that I went for a second opinion instead of letting the radiologist send me away to come back in two months, and then again send me away to come back in another month. I no longer want to discuss my cancer with anyone.  I need to live now while I'm here.  I need to stay as healthy as possible so I get more time. More time to be with my loved ones, more time on this gorgeous earth. More time with my beloved nature.   This morning I felt the need to disconnect from the world so I came over to our little slice of heaven. It's been very hot and everything is over grown so I chose to walk down the creek, in the water. It felt so awesome to have my feet wet.  It was a magical way to stay cool and see Turtle Point Road from another wonderful perspective.  Immature Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks circled and called during most of my visit.   I have decided that when I pass, I would like Turtle Point Road to be forever preserved.  My gift to nature.  It gives me great peace of heart to know I will leave land to be forever wild and free, so that animals may live with out the threats of man.  My heart truly belongs to our little slice of heaven.  I'm blessed to have spent so much time exploring and loving it.

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