June 4, 2016

Today I had a wonderful walk on our beautiful piece of land.  Bobby was busy working, setting the final elevation stakes to get ready for excavation on Tuesday! YES....finally starting!!!

 I checked the Red-tailed Hawks nest and the baby is now standing on the edge of the nest!  He has lots more feathers and less baby down.  I only saw the one, I thought there were two.  I found a garter snake.  2 WTs, M6 and a new one I2.  I2 was right in front of the tipi just hanging out eating slugs. M6 was in between the two bridges eating greens.  There were two snapping turtles in the water near the bridge mating.  A fawn on the side of the trail near the bridges completed my nice walk.  We are so blessed to have this awesome piece of land.



You can't see me!

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