Saw Mill

Bobby finally bought a saw mill!  He plans on making all the wood floors and the siding for our new house. Lots of people came and watched him use it for the first time.  I can't remember the last time I saw him so happy! It is so wonderful to just hang out at the land, having friends and family there makes it all so much sweeter. 

RT Nest!

We have a Red-tailed Hawks nest behind the tipi in a Pine!  So cool to realize this!  Tomorrow we should have our building permit!  Time to celebrate before all the really hard work begins.  We are so excited!

Mallards & Great Blue Heron

Today I took a walk at Turtle Point Road. Bobby very busy taking down a few more trees. There were lots of birds around. Cardinals, robins, Juncos, blue birds, song Sparrows, flickers, tufted titmouse, chickadees, nuthatch, red-bellied woodpeckers, mallard ducks , great blue heron, a vulture and a barred owl calling.