Mother Rialtos Farm Tavern

This was a Tavern on Cascade Road, it's not far from our property.  The original building is a home now.  Cascade Road used to be mostly camps.  The men would go to work all week while their wives and children stayed at the cottages all summer long.  On Friday nights many of the women would meet their husbands at the Tavern for a cocktail. 

Solstice 2015

What a GREAT 6th Annual Solstice Party!  My heart is full after spending time with such wonderful friends!  Our lives and beautiful land is blessed. 

December 12, 2015

Bobby spent this past week finishing up moving the trees that will be used for our flooring in our new home. They are now all covered up with tarps and safe from the weather. He will be purchasing a portable saw mill and making all our flooring.  Turtle Point Road is starting to look like a building lot!  40 trees taken down, next the stump guy and then foundation and septic work.  

Well deserved!

Long month of work for my dear hubby, he is ready for the stump guy! 

Two weeks!

And it's done!  All the trees are down.  Lots more clean up to do.  Bobby is simply amazing. 

Friends help

November 21, 2015

Today, 3 different bears were seen on the land! 

Rainy work days

And so it begins

Bobby has started to clear the land!  He took a week off of work. A good friend of the family is helping him this week.  It's beyond exciting to finally begin!