Incrediable night

Yesterday I drove nearly two hours and picked up three Screech Owls from the Wildlife Rehabilitator. who cared for them. They were ready for release.   Two of the Owls came from Warwick, NY. The third was raised with one of the Warwick birds so it needed to be released with him.  What an incredible time we had watching these tiny owls go back to the wild. We released the two young ones on the land. The adult was released right back where it was found at the Condo Complex here in town.  How exciting for all of us involved.  While we were at Turtle Point Road, to the delight of those with us....not one...but two different bears walked thru!  They were foraging along the river.

Photos by Matt Zeitler. 

Over night 7/11/14

We finally stayed overnight at the tipi.  First we cooked an amazing meal over the open  fire, then we all sat around the bon-fire talking. We played owl calls, and were able to get 5 Barred-owls calling back to us. There were also coyotes howling all night.  Beautiful full moon lit the night sky.  We had a great time.