Cam Pictures

Solstice Party

On the evening of December 21st we had about 50 people turn out for our annual Winter Solstice Bon-fire. The week started out with about 8 inches of snow on the ground which ended up melting by Friday turning our driveway into a mud pit.  I warned everyone to wear old BOOTS, which they did.  Everyone had a fantastic time!  It drizzled a bit early in the night, but we were well prepared with canopies set up.  We served Chile, Hot Spiced Cider and Mulled Wine.  Everyone brought Appetizers, wine and beer.  We didn't get home until 1:30am. 

Oct 29, 2013

Thanks baby bears!  Look at what they have done to the Tipi! The little guys bounce on the sides while standing on their rear feet.  This is the 3rd time they have ripped the tipi.