September 27, 2011

It's been six weeks and I'm still filled with so much sadness. My beloved boy would have been 59 months old today. Took Monty over to the land, he had a great time running through the creek. Nice pair of Wood Thrush feeding on berries.

Road building 9/11/11

Bobby has started to bring fill to the land and work on the driveway. He is doing a fantastic job.

Sunday August 14, 2011

Our beloved Dobe boy Petey lost his 20 month long battle with DCM. We buried him on the property across the river by the Tipi during a torrential rain storm. He will be forever missed. The only heart break I felt since buying the property is that I knew my Petey would never get to live there. That land was his favorite place on earth, he became a different dog every time I took him there. I truly believe he knew that it was his land.

July 5, 2011

Brad and his friends had a camp out at the Tipi. This picture is from the early morning hours, taken by Brock who didn't sleep.

April 9, 2011

On Friday Bobby purchased a mini backhoe to begin some work on the land. Today we went for a nice hike with Jim. Both Vernal Pools have eggs in them. Lots of birds singing. A pair of Mallards hanging around. Petey had a blast, he ran the entire time we were there.

March 22, 2011

Tomorrow will be one year that we have owned Turtle Point Road. Today I started my Naturalist Class there, at my *sit spot*. Temp. 45, cloudy, wind. My birds list for the hour: W.T. Sparrow, Song Sparrows, Chickadee, W.B. Nuthatch, T.Titmouse, Downy, Pilated, Red Bellied, Mallards, R.T.Hawk, Broad-wing Hawks, T.Vulture, B. Vulture, Phoebe, Robins, Crows.